Blackwood Lumber
Published October 4, 2021

Safer. Stronger. Longer.
Blackwood Lumber provides your Diamond C trailer a great alternative to traditional lumber floors. It not only looks great, but also features enhanced traction, safety, & durability.
What is Blackwood Lumber?
Blackwood Lumber is rubber infused, pressure treated pine flooring that provides enhanced traction in the wettest conditions, outstanding impact resistance in the toughest environments, and increased flooring lifespan from its no fade, no crack technology.
- Blackwood Lumber is made with the highest quality lumber, then infused with industrial-grade rubber. This provides increased protection allowing the Blackwood to withstand heavy impact that would crack and damage normal lumber.
- Blackwood also provides superior traction, which helps prevent slipping and allows safer and easier loading of equipment during wet conditions.
- Blackwood lasts longer than normal lumber because of the rubber infusion process. It won’t fade, crack, or stain, and can easily be cleaned with water.
We offer Blackwood Lumber in either full width or outer options:
Blackwood Lumber Video
(Source: Blackwood Lumber YouTube Channel)
Contact your nearest DEALER for more information or visit www.BLACKWOODLUMBER.com
*Note: If you are hauling primarily steel tracked equipment such as bulldozers or excavators, consider our hard OAK FLOORING as a good alternative to Blackwood Lumber
Trailer Flooring Guide Video
Watch below as Jacob goes in-depth on all our flooring choices, shows them up-close on our trailers, and gives tips on which one you should choose for your specific hauling needs.